Babbles is an underwater adventure game where a teenager, exasperated by his parents, decides to leave his house to discover the ocean!
It's him!😇
Art realized by Qais Beguellel, Jeanne Deperthuis and Ophélie David

First step : Pre-production
1) Fishbone
The main goal of this game is to be feel good while telling a serious story, that of a teenager who emancipates himself.
To reach this goal I had to create a fishbone to imagine the main storyline.

2) The main characters
Now that the main story is clear, I had to create the personality of all the main characters. There are 4 of them:
- Bulle : The main character
- Marline : Bulle's grandma
- Bleenie : Bulle's father
- A gang composed by 3 teenagers
There is an example of what I done with Bleenie. (If you speak french you can find all of them on this website :

3) Mix between gameplay and storyline
After this phase, I had to put together the characters, the main story and the gameplay.
In order to do that, I created a story line with the game differents levels.

The game is now ready to be produced !
Second step : Production
During the production I'm in charge of the dialogues. In total we have 19 NPCs, 4 mains and 15 classics.
So, we created "packs" where we put which dialogs we will need, their quantity and their size.
Here is an example for a main NPC.

After this step, all that's left to do is write the dialogues based on the character sheets !
Last step : Integration
The last step of the process is to integrate the dialogues in the game, for that, with the help of the programmers and the Yarn Spinner software, I implemented the dialogues then tested directly on the engine.
Here is a small example.
Find Babbles and the wonderful team on social networks :
The game will be available in the middle of the year. 🐠
I hope that you like this article,. 😇
You can find the rest of my games on my portofolio.